I AM Challange Week 4: Cherished

Hello iWaited Family!

Welcome to the last week of the I AM Challenge! This challenge has been hard, frustrating, stretching, comforting, fulfilling, satisfying and the list goes on. But I made up in my mind that I was going to see a challenge through for once, even if I finish late. I’m going to prove to myself and God (although He already knows) that I can finish something for once. Even if doubt and fear is telling me otherwise.

Last week we talked about being LOVED by our Father. If you missed it, you can click on these 3 links:


Week 3 Day 1 

Week 3 Day 2

This week’s word is: CHERISHED

Cherished: Protect and care for (someone) lovingly; hold (something) dear; To treat with affection and tenderness.

When you begin to allow God to father you, there is a tenderness that you discover from Him that you haven’t experienced before. We are literally a prized possession to God and He handles us with the utmost care. Our insecurities, our past and our hurts block the gentle hand of God. We often run from what seems too good to be true to what will ultimately cause us the most harm.

Isaiah 49:16 talks about how God has imprinted us on the palms of His hands. The Amplified version says tattoed. If you know anything about tattoos, they’re permanent.

My mother passed away when I was 16 years old. In college, I decided that I wanted to get a tattoo to commemorate her memory and to sort of carry her with me wherever I went. My mother held a place in my life that no one else can fill. At this point in my life, her name is the only name I would consider tattooing on my body. In that same way, we each hold a sacred place in our Heavenly Father’s heart. Our names are imprinted in His palms because we are dear to Him. He cherishes our very existence. He wanted us here. And I’ll keep reiterating this, God longs to commune with you!

If you’ve had a hard time letting your Heavenly Father in, crack the door tonight and let Him in. He loves you. He cares for you. He’s concerned about you. He wants the absolute best for you.

So for today, your assignment is to read the entire chapter of Isaiah 49, study the word Cherished and ask Holy Spirit to give you a deeper understanding of what it means to be Cherished by God Your Father.

Love y’all!

What do you think Waiters??