Welcome to iWaited Land!

Hello Waiters!

I pray that your day is going well. I wanted to update you on what’s going on in iWaited land.

Devotional: As you all know, I released a Purity devotional this past April and the testimonies have been amazing! You can grab your copy HERE. It’s available in both physical and kindle copy.

T-shirts: We also have various T-shirts on sale. You can purchase them HERE. The company that I go through, Spreadshirt, has a really quick turnaround time and great customer service. A few of the designs are posted below.

Speaking: I’ve had the privilege of speaking at various Purity events and conferences and it’s been a blessing.  Request for booking can be sent to iWaitedBlog at gmail dot com.

YouTube: We also have a YouTube channel and there are various interviews, panels and inspirational videos up. Check it out HERE. Find a couple of interviews below.

If you have any questions, comments or prayer requests please email iWaitedBlog at gmail dot com.

You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


What do you think Waiters??